Frequently Asked Questions
What is this house foundation called?
I don’t have any images, and I don’t know what these foundations are called. Basically, my house is kept up by multiple foundations that have concrete on the bottom and a long pipe like rod that connects to the floor joists.Here’s an old picture from a water damage we got inspected and fixed. The foundation is rusted in the center. On the bottom base is a small concrete slab that holds it in place. These are everywhere under my house and I still don’t know what they are called.
Also, how much would it cost to replace these foundations?
an aussie so you might call things different but they are stumps,you call them pilesover here they are usually concrete used to be timber and on sloping sites would have rhs posts very high with bracing..
ok so you have steel stumps/piles what `would have liked to have seen was galvanised and they are set in a concrete pad.
you would have to get a quote and or inspection from a specialist house restumper./releveler.
they will put new stumps/piles and new concrete around them .
while they are rusted are they sound is the house still level make sure whoever you engage is expert and that all permits are obtained from your local city hall .
EDIT had a look for U.S.A your name for stumps are piles and have concrete and says about hellical and screw steel piles check out link