Journal News
Employment News weekly newspaper is still unchanged even in this web dominated era. A copy of this week can be found in all major public libraries. Those students who do not have any internet facility can have this newspaper and find lucrative government jobs. This journal is published in many languages namely English, Hindi and Urdu.
This week is the largest distributed career guidance journal in India. The weekly had helped aspirant Indian youth, interested in Government jobs find a bright future since 1976. Although there were some other journals similar to it like Competition Success Review, Employment News is a unique and one of its kind journals by all means. Here is a slight introduction on what you can find in this knowledge source.
In this weekly news paper you will find details about all the state and central government jobs. Here you will find here number of news of all about the public sector openings, banking jobs and jobs in the education sector. The weekly gives details about the various examinations necessary to get these jobs and the applications for them. Notifications on all major examinations like Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the State Services Commission (SSC) are published in this weekly. The results of these tests are also published in the weekly News Jobs. Rojgar Samachar is the Hindi version of the week. You will find this version of news paper online too. This paper comprises of applications for all the professional courses in public schools, details about the fee structure and exam details. You will find vacancies of all the self-governing colleges and Universities in India are advertised here. In the editorial section of Employment News weekly features useful articles which assist people in select the career best appropriate for them. The articles in this section provide sufficient information about the new fields, the future opportunities in the less known areas and many more. All details necessary to write railway, bank and Civil Service exams are provided in this week, including test dates and application forms.
Recipients of the week are poor rural youth. Most of them are attending school first generation in their families. They require a stunning description and guidance of what to do and what not to do when it comes to government employment application. The weekly papers provide exactly the same. Government jobs in metro are still a dream for many rural students from backward communities. These students have the brain and academic record to land the same. The only thing missing is the guidance. Employments News weekly serves as their silent companion that helps them make their dream come true.
In addition to the printed version of the newspaper can also go online and you can find out about job vacancies in government, search by location, category and keywords. You can also subscribe to installing email alert and get information straight to your inbox and online career guidance through Q & A segment. You can even avail the facility of submitting online forms. The payment of claims can also be made through credit cards or net banking.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is some recent up to date news about the middle east?
I have to do this presentation about the middle east.I need two current event articles from a newspaper,professional journal,news magazine or smithsonian magazine.Any news about Israel,Syria,Iraq,Qatar,United Arab Emirates,Yemen,and Saudi Arabia would be very helpful.I have already checked some of the news sites but most of them were about the war and people getting killed and I don’t want articles about that.
Please no made up or phony crap and thanks if you help 🙂-
ANSWER: is a good source, and bbc news is good tooto see today’s newspapers and front pages in all countries, go to
there’s also these links:§ion=0&article=79604&d=25&m=7&y=2006
Where can I get top news emailed to me?
I want news emails, so that I don’t have to go on the websites, and can just read the stories in the email.
I would prefer a more widely-known news organisation, such as The Journal News or The New York Times.-
I get mine on…they email you breaking news. You can just subscribe by signing up and putting in your email address. I like it cuase it doesn’t send you junk mail, just the breaking news.
where can i find a primary resource of the ottoman empire during ww1?
where can i find a primary resource of the ottoman empire during ww1? it was due today and my teacher told me i found the wrong one and i looked all yesterday and all today, please send me the links of some, i need primary resources like letters, diary entries, journals, news letters from that time period ect. please help!-
The Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers to form the Triple Alliance with the signing of the August 1914 Turco-German Alliance. Turkey formally entered World War I on 28 October 1914 with the bombing of Russian Black Sea ports. The Triple Entente, or Allied Powers, declared war on the Ottoman Empire on November 4.
Two major factors led to Ottoman involvement on the side of the Central Powers: German pressure and the opportunism of Turkish minister of war Enver Pasha. Other motives for joining the Central Powers were the German victories early in the War and Turkey’s friction with the Triple Entente. Germany’s aim was clear: to keep Turkey from joining the enemy (and by gaining Ottoman support, encourage Romania and Bulgaria to enter the Alliance). The German military mission of 1913 to Turkey under Liman von Sanders organized the Turkish army and navy under German leadership and brought forth the Turco-German Alliance. The secret treaty (only five people in Turkey were aware of it, one being Enver Pasha) was signed 2 August 1914.
The Allies had strategic interests in the Turkish Straits but failed to provide a coherent defense of Turkey from Germany. To that extent, Turkey was driven into the Turco-German alliance; but Turkish leadership, fearful of disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, was divided on a course of action. Turkish ambassador in Paris Rifat Pasha advised that neither side would hesitate to dismantle the Empire. According to Rifat, Germany was not as strong as Enver Pasha perceived and considered Turkey to be merely a pawn. Nonetheless, Enver Pasha defied Rifat’s pleas to avoid alliance with either side and took what he saw as an opportunity to claim a victory in war.More………. ———– Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire World War I, 1914–1918
At the outbreak of the war Ottoman government declared neutrality with the “Notification of Neutrality” on August 18, 1914. On September 10 Grand Vizier Said Halim Pasha annulled the Capitulations, which ended the special privileges they granted to foreign nationals.
On September 28 the Turkish Straits were closed to naval traffic. The Straits were vital for Russian commerce and for communications between the Western Allies and Russia. ————- The Ottoman Empire called for a military jihad against France, Russia and Great Britain in November 1914. How did this affect subsequent Allied campaigns in the Middle East? David Woodward charts the demise of an empire and a dramatic shift in the region’s balance of power.
More………………… ——– In 1914 the Ottoman Empire contained an estimated 25 million people. Although there were 14 million Turks, there was also large Arab, Assyrians, Armenian, Kurdish, Greek and Circassion minorities within the Empire. As a result, there existed nationalist, separatist movements in several areas of the territory under the control of the Turks. More…………… ——— World War I: Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Empire which was heavily courted by Germany had been hard-pressed by Russia saw the opportunity to win back lost territory and joined the Central Powers. The Ottomans entered the War after the Western Front had settled down to static trench warfare, but the Germans had achieved major victories against the Russians on the Eastern Front. The Ottomons declared war on Russia on October 29, 1914. The first operation was a combined German-Turkish bombardment of Russian Black Sea ports. Russia and Britain and France quickly declared war on Turkey (November 2-5). The first Ottoman offensive was aimed at the Russian Caucauses (December). After initial successes, the Russiand retook much lost ground (August 1915). Russian pleas for assistance was one of the factors leading to the dusastrous Allied offensive at Galipoli (February 15). The Turkish forces at Galipoli were commanded by Mustafa Kemal who later as Kemal Attaturk was to found the Turkish Republic. After heavy losses of both ships and men, the Allies withdrew (December 1915). Beritish Indian forces launched an offensive against Turkish held Mesopotamia (late 1914). More……………..
Why is this experiment significant to the world around us?
Ugh, another science research paper. the experiment is: does adding sugar and salt to water affect how fast is freezes?
I need to write an introduction/ background that includes this:this section of the report where you describe why you are doing the experiment. What is the significance of the experiment to the surrounding world? What are other people saying on the subject? Why should you run this experiment? Why should your audience read it? Etc. In order to complete this section properly you will need to do some research and find recent (within 5 years) magazine, journal, news, etc. articles that support your project. You will need to site your sources for this section of the lab.
any ideas?
If the Greenland ice fields and Antarctic ice melt, the water will flow into the ocean, changing its salinity. Water with less saline freezes at a higher temperature, so more ocean ice will form in the Arctic and in coastal areas. There are already seaports in northern Russia that are closed part of the year because the approaches are iced over. What happens if those ports close earlier in the year and open later?Also, shipping lanes will have to be shifted, and sea ice affects local temperature. England is warmed in part by the gulf stream. What happens when that current flows past more sea ice?
And so forth.
Sea Ice –
Ocean Salinity –
Salinity Changing –
I wish to recieve the death notices from the Journal News in Hamilton, Ohio zipcode 45011, how do I do this?
I live in Hamilton, Ohio.,How can I receive articles from the newspaper posted on my website? It is the Hamilton Journal News. I need to know what to do.-
don’t know
I wish to recieve the death notices from the Journal News in Hamilton, Ohio zipcode 45011, how do I do this?
I live in Hamilton, Ohio.,How can I receive articles from the newspaper posted on my website? It is the Hamilton Journal News. I need to know what to do.-
Here’s the site of the paper’s obituaries, just do a search for what you need.
Can someone help me out? Where do I look in the newspaper for like movie extras or something?
Try CityBeat for that kind of stuff. Look in the classifieds / job section. Obviously, don’t get involved if you’re not an adult.
Why are the Republicans and Rupert Murdock trying to turn the Recovery into a full fledged Depression?
Look at their putting down every single piece of good economic news in the last two years and the concerted effort by Murdock Media Enterprises (The Wall Street Journal, FOX News Corp, and all of the other Murdock Media outlets) and the Republicans to claim that this is the Democrats doing when it took years to create the conditions that would cause this economic disaster and a concerted effort to prevent the Democrats stimulus from being seen as successful.Why are the Republicans and Rupert Murdock trying to turn the Recovery into a full fledged Depression?
There are many reasons including but not limited to Destroying the American Workers ability to bargain, Destroying the American Industries ability to compete with the huge multi-Nationals, Destroying any credibility for the Democrats who they set up.
In what ways should press freedom be limited?
I’m writing an essay explaining why press freedom should be limited and what the limits should be. I was wondering if anyone could provide me with any sources, preferably academic books or journals or news articles, that would help me out, or indeed any ideas of your own that will lead me to apt sources. Cheers.-
They shouldn’t be allowed to harass people, invade their personal private lives and shouldn’t be allowed to report false or misleading stories.
What is the best source of Financial News?
I’m a finance major at a 4 year university and I’ve been trying to learn as much as possible about the news and investing. I’ve decided to buy a news publication and I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions between the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg news? I’ve narrowed it down to these 2 but I know I wont have time to read both so I was hoping maybe someone could tell me which one they find most useful and interesting to read. Thank you for your help!-
either one of those will help you trade away your savings just as well.,,no secret knowledge to be learn,,cnbc is fun to watch,,if your thinking about being a stockbroker, be reading about telemarketing and salesmanship will do you better,,and study for your series seven…you can get all the news you need off cnn/cnbc….if your gonna try to be an investor,,you wont be able to do any better than a ira/401k with a balanced fund when things are said and done…..ive been down both those roads. good luck,,oh,,change your major to accounting and human resources so you can get a job when you get out of school….
How do fluoroquinolones effect the environment?
We’re doing a project on the effects of antibiotics on the environment from shrimp farming and i’m having trouble finding reliable sources that discuss how fluoroquinolones effect the environment. if anyone has any ideas as to where i can find reliable sources (journal articles/news stories/ etc) that would be great! thanks!-
Link #1 –> Chemical use in shrimp farming and environmental implications of antibiotic pollution
Link #2 –> Confirmation of fluoroquinolone residues in salmon and shrimp tissues by LC/MS ….
Link #3 –> Is your prawn cocktail toxic? Read this and you may never want to eat one againUse a search engine (Yahoo. google….). Search for: fluoroquinolones in waste water
What do you do if you accidentally misread/misinterpret the Bible?
How do you read the Bible correctly/properly in a way so that the interpretation is a commonly agreed upon interpretation and not one of your wacky, unsupported ideas that would make others question, “where and how on earth did you get that”? What do you do if you accidentally misread/misinterpret the Bible? Have you ever cited/referenced the Bible?Just wondering, ‘cuz I have never done any of the above. I normally use academic, peer-reviewed journals and news articles for school.
You learn the language the bible was written in.The Story of ET – the xtian delusion of complete translation
Bereshit Bara Eloheim Et – IN A BEGINNING G-D CREATED ET. These are the first words of Torah, Genesis 1:1, ET was not translated by christian translators, they had no understanding of its meaning, so they just left it out. (So much for the thought voiced in Deuteronomy 8:3 that man lives by every word of G*D – for the translators stole G*D’s words from you – no big deal to them !) ET is spelled Aleph Tav. Aleph Tav is an abbreviation for the ALPHA-BET. Aleph is the first letter of the ALPHABET and Tav the last. So in a beginning G-d created the ALPHA-BET. And G-d did this before creating the heavens and the earth. G-d used the letters, the building blocks, to create the world. Also the original Hebrew was written without vowels, an alternate reading of Bereshit Bara Eloheim Et – is For the sake of Torah and Israel. Which would make the first line a dedication to those whom it was written for.
The mistranslation continues …
Most people who have read the Bible only in English think they know what it says.
But do they?
Translations from the original Hebrew have often changed the text’s intended meaning in significant ways. Take, for example:
* “The Lord is my shepherd”—the modern concept of shepherd is not what the biblical authors intended
* “Thou shalt not covet”—coveting is not what’s forbidden in this commandmentWhere did things go wrong?
The problem began with the King James Version of the Bible (KJV). Commissioned in 1604 by King James of England and published in 1611, this literary classic still forms the basis of most biblical translations in English, including that of the Jewish Publication Society (JPS). This is problematical, first because English usage has changed so much in the past 400 years, rendering some of the original translations inaccurate; and second, because the KJV translators made serious translation mistakes that have been retained in contemporary English translations.And the beat goes on…
Why people want to PAY to read WALL STREET JOURNAL, when free news are anywhere?
Why people want to PAY to read WALL STREET JOURNAL, when free news are anywhere? CNN, NEW YORK TIMES are free, why people wanna pay to read WALL STREET JOURNAL? What more can WALL STREET JOURNAL offer than others?thanks!
It supplies news you can’t get anywhere else. That’s worth something to those in the business world.Besides, the newspaper business has to figure out how to increase revenues, or it won’t survive. Paywalls may help eventually, although the details have to be worked out.
How will the News of the World phone-hacking scandal affect News Corp. and the media outlets it owns?
News Corp. owns powerful media outlets in the United States, including the Wall Street Journal and Fox News Channel.-
The “hurt” wouldn’t involve much but an image problem in the US. All of the companies owned in the US operate separate balance sheets, so the damage would be very small, unless the US Congress decides to investigate the subsidiaries here.Now in Britain, it could get messy. A judicial inquiry would certainly bring to light anything the paper didn’t want exposed, but it is difficult to prove the permission went to execs of their parent company. In the end, the careers of a few of the top editors at the paper might be ruined, but I doubt you will see worse. The worse happened when the paper was closed…that is to say, all this mess, but the culprits will continue…under a new banner.
Ivy league schools not what they used to be?
wall street journal, articles, news all seems to be saying ivy leagues aren’t so great anymore. I have read the w.p carey school of business program located in AZ at ASU is ranked higher then some ivy league schools. so when I get my MBA in business would it be a better idea to receive it at asu verses Harvard. Since recruiters are starting to say the ivy league school students are too book smart, without the street smarts than people at the w.p carey school acquire?-
Ivy league schools are even better than they used to be, in part because the students are amazingly impressive. My dh participates in the admissions process for his Ivy alma mater, and most of the kids that apply are amazing (85% qualified to attend) and the top candidates are unbelievable. He says the students are overall more impressive than when he attended.Most people don’t really get what the Ivy league is about, it’s about students who love being students, those are the best fit. Kids who would rather spend their Friday nights discussing some historical or scientific event than partying. The kind of kids who would like to spend their lives in school, people who love to learn. It really goes beyond being book smart.
Ranking stuff often is a bunch of baloney, you really have to take it with a grain of salt and consider what is really the best fit for you. (And Harvard is ranked #1 by several legit publications.) Speak to people who actually hire, that’s where you’ll get the best info. My dh graduated from a top Ivy a long time ago, has had a very successful career for many years, and people of the same status or higher are always genuinely impressed by where he graduated from college. It totally opens doors. When law firms, corporations, etc try to get business, they send out the resumes of those who would be working for that client. They love to have resumes with the Ivies on them. Two of the most important aspects of which business school you attend are the value of the school’s brand, how others perceive it, and the contacts you make. Hard to beat Harvard and the other Ivies on that.
Street smarts? Who do you think MBAs deal with, street thugs? Nah, they deal with other MBAs and very educated people for the most part.
Apply to and hopefully attend the business school that is the right fit for you.
Business Insider Best Business School: luck!
What is the difference between a Journal article and a News article?
My homework is to find two “journal” articles that has to do with youtube and copyright infringement. I found a bunch of articles online but not sure if they are considered journal articles. What’s the difference?-
Maybe there is no difference..
what are the features of a good journal or news in PRINT?
Tell me the features of the journalistic writing? What are the qualities to be seen in an article on Sports, Features and other areas of a news paper?-
Print journalism can be split into several categories: newspapers, news magazines, general interest magazines, trade magazines, hobby magazines, newsletters, private publications, online news pages and others. Each genre can have its own requirements for researching and writing reports.For example, newspaper journalists in the United States have traditionally written reports using the inverted pyramid style, although this style is used more for straight or hard news reports rather than features. Written hard news reports are expected to be spare in the use of words, and to list the most important information first, so that, if the story must be cut because there is not enough space for it, the least important facts will be automatically cut from the bottom. Editors usually ensure that reports are written with as few words as possible. Feature stories are usually written in a looser style that usually depends on the subject matter of the report, and in general granted more space.News magazine and general interest magazine articles are usually written in a different style, with less emphasis on the inverted pyramid. Trade publications can be more news-oriented, while hobby publications can be more feature-oriented.
Writing features can be more demanding than writing straight news stories, because while a journalist must apply the same amount of effort to accurately gather and report the facts of the story, the reporter must also find a creative and interesting way to write the article, especially the lead, or the first one or two paragraphs of the story. The lead must grab the reader’s attention yet accurately embody the ideas of the article. Often the lead of a feature article is dictated by its subject matter. Journalists must work even harder to avoid clichĂ©d images and words when writing the lead and the rest of the article.
What is the best news source/sources to read when trying to brush up on current events?
I am trying to become more involved and up to date on current news events (especially while i have free time at work and access to the web) and was wondering what the best source would be. I know all media is ultimately biased in some way, but are there any that are not as extreme as others? I’m looking for somewhere where I can brush up on newsworthy information, specifically nationally, so any help would be appreciated! Thanks!-
I prefer a combination of listening and reading, even listening while doing something else.
I use the following daily:
Euronews – updates in video form in the language you choose
NPR-USA national public radio. hourly updates, All things Considered, a weekly quiz, etc…
BBC- they have like 10 channels plus World News updates
RFI – Radio France International- comment culture africa, etc.
Yahoo, OK you go to your email and the news is there too.
Google- I hear or see a thing, I stick it in the search bar and hit “news”
NOS journal – updates every hour in video form
Local radio
What is the difference between a journal article and a newspaper article?
My teacher gave me an assignment to summarize 5 journal articles in the subject of social sciences, but I’m confused as to what she meant. Please help !-
An article contributed in Journal is essentially based on research giving citations wherever needed supported by footnotes. Moreover articles in Journal are assessed by the editorial board of the Journal and is allowed publication only if the Board believes that it has substantial information and conforms to the requirement of journal. Further one can cite articles from Journals as an authentic piece of information. I may further add that the language applied in the articles contributed in journal is not journalese but the typical language of the subject. For instance if the article is on some topic of Chemistry terms usually employed in chemistry are used with an understanding that the reader is well aware of the meaning and connotation of the terminology used.
Unlike Journal the articles contributed in newspapers are not specifically research oriented articles. The language is simple and direct. The author need not identify the works which have been relied upon. Sometimes moral rights are also not taken stock of and no authenticity can be attached to the facts narrated in article in news paper.Article may be full of exaggeration and personal views and further the element of bias cannot be ruled out.
What is the difference between a normal newspaper and the Wall Street Journal.?
Also, on special days, like Sunday, what do both newspapers do? Is the Journal deliever on Sundays, but the market is close? If so, what does the Journal do differently for Sunday? What are the benefits and drawbacks of having the Journal versus a normal newpaper like the USA TODAY.-
The “Wall Street Journal” focuses on the financial world and how economics (micro, macro and global) affect the US and other countries. Other “normal” newspapers focus on news, local, regional and global, while devoting only a page or two to stock reports and financial news. The Wall Street Journal is the classiest newspaper out there; they don’t report much on Brittney Spears and other “frivolous news”. I don’t know what they do on Sundays. Is there one on Sunday?
Taking the Journal only is fine if you are interested only it what it reports. There aren’t any drawbacks if that is all you care to read about. Taking USA Today exclusively, is enough for most people who are not in the brokerage business and who do not earn all their income only from the stock market. USA Today will let you know if a child lost in Kansas for four years has been found. The Journal, probably not. It is a question of how much news you want and how much financial news you need. A benefit of taking only the Journal would be not having to hear about Brittney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Prince Harry, Paris Hilton, MTV, etc., etc., etc..
How do I make it look like I wrote a journal over a month?
Alright, I needed to write a journal for some stuff over a period of 1 month and I haven’t done any of it and I have to turn it in tomorrow. How can I make it look like I worte it over the month?
Yes. I have procrastinated and I have established that but what can I do to fix it now?-
Since everyone will probably give you a hard time about the procrastination, here you go:Alternate between pen, pencil, crayons, anything. Use different handwriting styles. Write the date and time at the top of each page, make it look like some days you wrote right after school and others later at night. Go online to look for news from that day, talk about them.
Looking for Journals/Magazines/News papers that have Passive voice sentences?
I am looking for 12 good examples of verbs in passive voice sentences. I am supposed to find them from any journals, any magazines, or any news papers. However, it seems like there is few sentences that I can see. It is hard to find them. Would you please help me find passive sentences? There must be at least 6 different tenses in the examples. If you find some sentences, would you please give me the name of the magazine, journal, and news paper you found? Also the date, and issue names.
Thank you,-
Top business and finance newspapers/magazines/websites?
I am starting an internship at an investment bank in a month and want to keep up with the industry and general world news, but I feel reading cnbc/cnn articles isn’t exactly doing it.1) What are some solid free newspapers/magazines/websites that are the closest you can get to the new york times and wall street journal news & editorials?
2) What are some of the best newspapers/magazines/websites (by subscription or free) for business and finance news? List your top 3.
Thank you!
or Bloomberg News
What pharmacy journal do I subscribe to?
I am a pre-pharmacy student. I would look to subscribe to some sort of journal to keep myself updated on pharmacy issues which may come up during a pharmacy school interview. Any suggestions?-
I would recommend you subscribe to Drug Topics, Pharmacy Times, and Pharmacy Practice News. I believe they are all free and you can get them digitally. I also recommend you join your local Pharmacy organization. They usually have a newsletter or Journal and if you attend the meetings you can network!
How can I keep a journal and make it interesting?
If you have ever seen the movie “Bridge to Terabithia” or other movies like that, there are kids or people who keep journals. They creatively write in them, draw in them and everything. How can I keep up with this? Everytime I try and journal write everynow and then, I get bored and don’t do it!-
I haven’t kept one in a long time. First, make a certain time everyday where you can write in the journal. If you miss a day or have to re-schedule it, that’s ok. A journal is a book of your thoughts. You could write on different topics every day, like politics, art, music, write a poem or short story, tell about something that happened to you that day, write about something you heard in the news and tell your feelings about it, walk in the mall or the park and watch other people and write about them. … what are they doing, what are they thinking about. Use your imagination. Draw some of the things you see, or things you imagine. Sometimes it’s just hard to start writing, but when you get started, sometimes it’s hard to stop writing.
How many Conservatives out there still read the mainstream newspapers or watch the mainstream news?
I for one refuse to read the Atlanta Journal anymore. The editorials in it are so slanted to the left it isn’t even funny.
They still give losers like Cynthia Mckinny free reign while ignoring anything else of real importance. Unless of course it makes the left look good.-
No “newspapers” and I’ve stopped turning on the TV “news” when I come home from work.
It seems the networks are interested only in which loser celebrity is doing what…..I only use it to check the weather.
I do a lot of news gathering on the internet. It’s easier to get a bigger picture from several internet sources. You just have to filter thru the BS.
How can I publish comments about news stories?
Often I read a news story and I want to express my comments about what I think of the story. Problem is, I usually formulate the ideas in my head, and that’s as far as it goes. What would be a good web-site for me to publish my comments?-
Hi,Appeared recently a new global site (with a new concept) where you can publish all your articles for free:
In this website say:
“Now you don’t need to have money or to be famous to have your opinion read by millions of people, you just have to have a good idea.” mediafindout journal want to create a unique experience and experience mixing entertainment and information. They open a space where users might provide news contents and/or opinion articles and share them with the entire world via internet. This initiative will also create a space of mutual help, where one may obtain opinions and information on an increasingly greater range of subjects (about music, sports, technology, world, etc.).”
How do you delete items on facebook news feed that friends send you?
I love them but they do go on and on. Some of my friends use facebook like a journal. And the endless photo stream.
My friends sometimes post on their Facebook like it’s a journal. I do not want to hide them or get rid of these friends. I just want to be able to immediately delete their current feed that is coming into me. Help.-
Just hide those person’s news and feeds whom you don’t like so it won’t come to your home page.
What is the best news app for the iphone and ipod touch?
What in your opinion, is the best news application of current events for the iphone and ipod touch?-
No question about it – the WSJ application is fantastic. Hurry up and get it soon because soon the wall street journal will start charging for it. Second best in my mind is the NYTimes app. I’ve also tried Thomson Reuters News Pro – but haven’t found I’ve spent a lot of time on it. The best weather news application is AccuWeather.You can read a little more about the WSJ application at: which just posted a review.
Which are the best online newspapers to keep up with Stock news?
I am a stock day trader and I must know the news as soon as they are released.I would like to know which are, based on your own experience, the best online (and free) newspapers?
Wall Street Journal
How to properly attach a news article to an essay.?
I’m writing an essay on a news article. I’ll have a works cited page. Is there any MLA formatting I need to do to the article? What’s the order of the 3 elements?-
Following MLA style, order is as such:Article in Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers:
References to periodical articles must include the following elements:
•article title
•publication title (journal, magazine, etc.)
•volume number
•publication date (abbreviate months, if used)
•the inclusive page numbers
•medium of publicationExamples:
Newspaper article, no author:“Africa Day Celebrated in Havana.” Granma International 31 May 2009, English ed.: 16. Print.
Newspaper article, one author, discontinuous pages:
Yurth, Cindy. “Goodbye to Forest Lake Hero.” Navajo Times 11 June 2009: A1+. Print.
What is a good general psychology journal?
I graduated in psyc years ago and I’d like to keep up a little on the subject. What is a good journal to subscribe to that is general in nature and reports on the current events in the field? I do not, nor have ever, worked in the field.-
To be honest, I wouldn’t recommend a personal subscription to a journal unless you work in the field, they can be a bit pricey, and more than likely there will be a lot of stuff too specific for you to really be interested in. If theres a (decent) university near you, their libraries often have some kind of access to the public, and are likely to stock the prominent journals.Though as you asked, the most broad ones in my experience is the Annual Review of Psychology, which often has prominent researchers discussing the development, current state and future of particular fields/theories. As the name suggests though, its only once a year. The Journal of Experimental Psychology: General might be another, as it intergrates things from its various sub-category journals (e.g. memory, animal behavior etc.), but it tends to be rather biased towards the cognitive stuff in my experience. Psychological Science tends to have the slightly quirkier papers I find, social/emotion/embodied cognition type stuff often. When you see a news report on a quirky experiment in psychology, half the time it seems to be in Psychological science.
So if I were to recommend any, it would be those. You can probably find places that let you look at the abstracts/content lists for free though, so take a look before buying. Science websites like also have psychology specific sections, which is usually better/more accurate coverage than general news websites give (who tend to get a lot wrong). If you’re a member of the psychology society for whatever country you’re in too (BPS/APA etc.), they often have free magazines or newsletters with the subscription.
Hi guys where can I find credible news for a speech on media ignoring important news?
I have to present a speech for my class, and I want to do a speech on celebrity news overshadowing important news. Where can I find actual statistical information?
I actually just read a great book about some of the issues with how the media operate today – it’s called Warp Speed: America in the Age of the Mixed Media, and it’s written by Bill Kovach.You can probably find it at your library, and you should be able to find some statistical information there.
Journalists love to write about themselves, so there is a ton of information on this subject out there. You’re going to want to look for scholarly journals instead of just opinion pieces and such – your school library will probably have database that you can search for articles.
A little off topic, but I’d also recommend the Regarding Media column by Tim Rutten in the LA Times. He writes about trends in the media, and I know he’s addressed this issue before.
Best of luck!
Where can I find the best place for realtime stock market news?
I’m new to penny stocks but I’m hoping if I can get the news first on a good product maybe I can be profitable. Thank you for your help.-
The Jackson Terminal has all the biggest names in the Financial industry. Some include Yahoo Finance,Wall Street Journal,MSNBC,New York Times,LA Times and so on. Has all the up to date news one could want in one place.
What is the best way to pitch photos to a news paper?
I was just at a protest today at the BBC in London. Whilst there were lots of people with cameras, not many were with the press. I shoot with a D90 and I got some good shots.I’m not a press photographer or journalism minded, I’m just a photography student who happened to be in the area.
What’s the best way to pitch ideas to various news papers on the off chance they might be interested in some of my shots?
Probably taking your camera to your nearest journal building..or sending the photos as an attachment in email ?
Does the transformation of the Wall Street Journal from a conservative newspaper to a spin rag disturb you?
I used to consider it a reliable source of news and conservative opinion. Now it has degenerated into a yellow press far-right propaganda rag. What a shame.
I read it. I am neither blind nor a fool. It is obvious and blatant as any long time reader of the paper well knows.-
It’s disturbing that you make such a charge without a single citation or attribution.
Can you suggest an interesting physics topic that I can write about in a Science journal?
I have been asked to write an article that will be printed in a science journal. The article should be on an interesting topic about physics. Teachers, professors as well as students participating in a national Physics Olympiad will be reading this; so it has to be catchy about something new, something most people don’t already know about and something readers will not find boring or complicated. Can you suggest some topics that I can write upon? I need them quick, so please help.-
Does momentum exist without force? It could be the opposite of relativity. That’s my news item.Another suggestion is superfluids, tensile strength (i.e. extension bridges), and the refractivity of transparent glass;
Otherwise you could get into the information-based nature of black holes mentioned in Brian Greene’s book, I think it’s called “The Hidden Reality” i.e. black holes’ surfaces consist of one-Planck length measurements, possibly because they consist of or compact information.
Is there any good programming magazine in India?
I am looking for a good Programming Magazine in India or something like a regular journal containing latest news about programming apps, some exercises programs questions and concepts etc in various languages like C, C++, Java, DOTNET etc.Actually anything informative about languages like C, C++, Java etc.
Or is there any newspaper with such contents!-
Yes ! you can find too much help from CRN magazine… This also contains some programming issues and related articles.. Although it is not completely for progrmming.. but still helpfull
I need ideas on how my journal pages should of could be written?
I have had a journal for a long time now but it just looks like a paper with no doodles or fun stuff, but I would love to I just don’t know how to do it. I need some ideas, web sites, and pictures of someone Else’s, not of scrapbook journals though. If you could help that would be a great help. Thanks so very much-
A journal is not formal like a diary.
It is a lot more personal. An entry may be a single word or many pages long. It need not always be autobiographical. It can travel back and forth in time.Join this forum, sign up for the news letter, or just browse around.
Does anyone know of a good news article for marijuana legislation?
I need a good source for articles on marijuana legislation for my Government class…I need an article from a legitimate source like Newsweek or Wall Street Journal not something from an internet blog. The first person to give a legitimate source will get the points for having the best answer. The article has to be from the last 6 days (so Last Saturday to this last Thursday aka yesterday)-
ANSWER: posts all the the links to recent News articles regarding legislation, dozens of stories are posted this week.
also a interesting report on economic benefits
How does the present Wall Street Journal compare to the Pre-Murdoch version?
Same news or not? Is the editorial page further to the Right? more or less intellectual? And what is the deal with color?-
The color was inevitable. You have to make an impression in this day and age.The editorial page was always right of center; you’d have to say it’s moved even more that way. I even read a right-wing review of a baseball book on Saturday, comparing Stan Musial to Ronald Reagan.
The columnists are almost all far right.
Could someone please give me a news article involving microecconomic concepts?
Article Paper: The purpose of the article paper is to allow student and opportunity to demonstrate his/her ability to apply microeconomic principles to the real world. The student will need to find a current event on microeconomics. It is perfectly fine to use more than one article, as long as the topic is the same. The Wall Street Journal is an excellent source. The article paper will have two sections. The first section is a summary of the current event. The second section explains microeconomic concept(s) mentioned in the current event.-
find a builder, city or something NOT as big as a state, that is involved in a specific econ
or growth project or loss…………….and you have it.what is successful or what is failing in your community?
ours is the idiocy of the illegal aliens. They want the law ignored. They want to live
in a city/state/nation where they need not speak English, not study US laws, etc.that is a huge macro econ. topic, Thus, in PHX, it is a micro econ story
[micro = small area–macro, larger area]
What kinds of news or information have you found to seem to drive up the cost of a stock and what sources of t
hat news have you found to be the most effective, most available sources?-
The “talking head” on TV and radio (example Jim Cramer and Bob Brinker) have been known to drive up the next business days cost of a stock, too late for wakeup late me to profit from. Most effective sources for me are sources not usually read by investors (forget Money, Smart Money, Kiplingers, Forbes, Barrons, WSJ and all the investing press). I look for small stories buried deep in the inside pages of things like Aviation Week and Space Technology, trade journals, Popular Science, newspapers. A couple months ago, I think it was the Sunday Auto section of my local newspaper had a story about if electric cars can ever make a comeback. There was a line or two about a private company in California now making electric pickup trucks for fleets that go 100+ miles per charge and the batteries can be recharged in 10 minutes. Then somewhere else is a story about nanotechnology, and a company in Colorado is working on a battery for a Calif. auto manufacturer that will soon sell their electric pickup trucks to the public. I bought the public battery company at .94, now it is around .49 and the trucks are not being sold to the public until next year. Then battery demand should rise, and hopefully the stock price also. (PS: I don’t want yahoo to consider this spam for the battery company so mum is the word. Do you own research.)
what is the difference between Americas major news papers and news networks?
is the York times newspaper really liberal, wall street journal, conservative and USA today biased.what are they considered?-
The USA Today is a children’s coloring book. Say what you will about the others.
Which newspapers and news magazines have the most affluent readership?
Please post links to sources and lists if possible. Thanks.I’d love to have a top 10 list, worldwide, of news magazines and newspapers with the most affluent readership.
I’m excluding lifestyle magazines from this, which obviously have narrower audiences.
Yachting Magazine & Yacht Magazine (yes, they are real)
Golf news magazines
other business magazines
wall street journal
What do guest get paid to appear on cable news programs?
If Sean Hannity has you on his show, how much do you get paid to be on? Some people are trying to sell their book. Some people appear for the publicity. But there are some people who work for Newsweek or the Wall Street Journal or some other magazine or professors at a university…are they paid and if so, how much per appearance?-
That’s a problem.
How do you keep up with the news?
I want to improve my knowlege, but I don’t have time to be a news junkie. I’m looking for some ideas. What are some good shows or sources to keep up with? I’m not crazy about the liberal-v-conservative stuff.-
I read 4 newspapers a day. USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Milwaukee JournalSentinel, and my local paper. I watch or listen to FOX, MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, and Nightline. I check Air America, Opie & Anthony, Broadminded, Rush LImbaugh, and Sean Hannity every day on the radio. If I don’t understand something, I spend the time to get informed so that I can make up my own mind.I have come to the conclusion that it is very difficult to get factual information today. With the explosion of news outlets, there has been an explosion of spin and conjecture…..most of it wrong or incomplete.
I no longer trust any news commentator or politician. I understand that their job is to spin information and to present it with a slant.
The “traditional” news media is mostly liberal or lazy, while radio and TV commentary is dominated by conservative viewpoints. Blogs are about 95% crap and BS.
In that cauldron of information, I form my own opinions and act accordingly. It is not pretty, but very worthwhile if you really want to know what is going on.
How do I find top news stories…?
I need to write a journal for my news class, and I need the top stories from the month of October 2008. Does anyone know where I can find this info?-
what is the best magazines to subscribe to or buy for articles and news on carpentry or woodworking in UK?
Hi, am in london and just about to finish training as a carpenter. Just wondering if anyone knows any journals or magazine i can get that would constantly update me on the construction industry or carpentry to be precise. Also if anyone has any tips on getting a job. Thanks-
This is the best available in the UK
why reading wall street journal is important for a student?
hello/why is reading wall street journal is important for a student? thanks.
It isn’t. Though better than most newspapers these days, the Wall Street Journal isn’t a particularly good source of news or information unless you are in an MBA program (in which case it is critical, along with the Financial Times of London).But keeping up with the news is important.
I recommend The New York Times and BBC News, both of which are available free on-line.
I also strongly recommend The Economist weekly – not free but well worth it.And I’d also keep track of several economics blogs, starting with Paul Krugman’s
and add your favorites.