Foundation Repair Pittsburgh
What it is, How It’s Caused, & How to Eliminate ItIn our line of business, we come across many homeowners who express concern about a white, flaky substance that’s appearing on their concrete foundation walls and floors. Often, the homeowner will ask us if the substance is a type of mold or other fungi, if it’s harmful, and if there’s anything they can do to eliminate this problem and prevent future issues.What is that Flaky, White Powder on my Concrete?If the white powder is building up on your concrete surfaces only, then not likely to be mold. Instead, this powder is a mineral salt that’s commonly referred to as efflorescence. This builds up on concrete walls and floors in crawlspaces and basements often, occurring as part of the process of moisture coming from the earth, passing through the porous concrete, and passing into your basement air.Concrete is porous, and it absorbs groundwater like a sponge. When concrete is being used as part of a basement or crawl space, it soaks up moisture from the earth around it continuously. As it does, the moisture can pass through to the inside surface of the foundation walls (known as the “negative side”), where it’s added to the air inside the building.As water vapor passes into the air, it leaves any mineral deposits carried with it behind, which forms a saltlike coating on the concrete. The ugly white powdery buildup is the efflorescence you see on your basement walls.How to Clean Concrete EfflorescenceCleaning efflorescence is best done with a power washer — you can find one at a local hardware store. They will also have a variety of chemicals that you can use in combination with the washer that will quickly and effectively clean your concrete surfaces.For a simpler method, however, simply combine one part bleach with ten parts water. Use a sturdy push broom, and scrub those walls thoroughly.Phosphoric acid has also been known to be effective against efflorescence. However, this should be used with extreme care, and it should never be combined with ammonia products, as these two create a poisonous gas when mixed. Phosphoric acid will have the added benefit of being able to eliminate other stains as well, such as those from rust or oil. Be sure to consult with a professional firsthand before using this substance.Preventing EfflorescenceThe best way to stop efflorescence is to halt the advancement of water vapor through the walls and into your home. One excellent way to do so is by using a concrete sealant on the inside, thereby preventing it from making its way through into your home. This has the added benefit of creating a vapor barrier that will seal away water vapor that would otherwise contribute to the indoor humidity levels of your below grade spaces.When choosing a concrete sealing product, be sure not to use concrete paint. These types of products are notorious for being pushed off the walls over time by both the pressure of the moisture and by buildup of efflorescence behind the coating. Instead of these, it’s very important to find a product that will seal the concrete by bonding deep within its pores, creating a solid barrier that prevents water from passing through without the long-term blistering, peeling, and flaking associated with waterproofing paint and other products.When you’re looking for a concrete sealer, we recommend Concrete Treat: Concrete Sealer and Blanket. When applied, this product creates a glasslike silicate bond deep within the pores of the concrete. The bond seals away humidity and prevents efflorescence buildup on cleaned concrete surfaces. It’s usable on both cured and newly placed concrete, and it is also appropriate for outdoor concrete use.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is given credit for designing and developing oxygen/helium deepsea diving?
I am researching deepsea diving history and am interested to have documentation on the development and commercialisation of the technique of helium/oxygen deepsea diving. I am looking for international references to the 1950’s – 70’s. Any Divers out there are welcome to contribute, but especially from that period!-
Al Gore. He invented the internet too.In 1919, Professor Elihu Thompson, an electronics engineer and inventor, speculated that nitrogen narcosis could be avoided if the oxygen in the breathing mix were diluted with a gas other than nitrogen. Thompson had previously established a record as an innovator with seven hundred patents including electric welding, the centrifugal cream separator and street arc lights. His business had earlier merged with Thomas Edison’s company to form General Electric. He suggested that helium would be a suitable gas for deep diving without narcosis. Since at the time, the price of helium was over 00 per cubic foot, the suggestion was viewed as an economic impossibility. About this time C.J. Cooke applied for a patent on the use of Helium as a breathing gas mix. Additionally a series of experimental dives was begun on the U.S.S. Falcon, which included at least one dive to 150 feet on a heliox mix. Later, the discovery of helium in four Texas natural gas wells gave the United States an exclusive monopoly on the world’s supply of helium. Its abundance dropped the price of helium to a few cents per cubic foot.
Thompson convinced the Bureau of Mines, which controlled the world’s supply of helium (and was desperately seeking some use for this gas), and the US Navy to begin examining the potential for deep diving using helium and oxygen as a breathing gas mix. By 1925 a lab had been established in Pittsburgh and lab animals were doing simulated dives in a chamber using helium-oxygen mixes. This work established that animals breathing an 80 % helium / 20% oxygen mix could be decompressed at 1/6 the decompression time of an air breathing animal. Later, humans subjects breathing 80% helium / 20% oxygen were found to have no apparent problems with heliox decompression schedules that were 1/4 the time required for air breathing dives. More importantly, however, was the ability for humans to function “clear-headed” at depths where air-breathing divers were incapacitated by nitrogen narcosis. Thompson’s second major contribution to deep diving followed this early effort. He suggested that since the helium was not consumed during the dive, it could be conserved by use of a re-circulating system for the diluent gas. His idea would ultimately prove sound; it needed only the development of high efficiency absorbents to remove the carbon dioxide generated from human metabolism so that the exhaled gas could be re-circulated.
Divers commented on the ease of breathing helium, but noticed that they always felt chilled while breathing heliox mixes. The change in voice characteristics often made communication at depth difficult. It was apparent that the narcosis free advantage of helium breathing would create problems as well as solutions. It was obvious that much work still needed to be done.
Funding for deep diving training was very difficult to obtain in the post World War I economy. Although the US Navy Experimental Diving School in Newport, Rhode Island had successfully trained divers that had salvaged the sunken submarine F-4 in 304 feet of water off Amala Bay near Honolulu, Hawaii in 1915, Congress could not be convinced to provide the funds for continuing the US Navy Experimental Diving School in Newport. This school had, before the First World War, conducted over three hundred test dives on air to depths of 258 feet. This work was the foundation for the first diving manual published in 1924 by the Bureau of Construction and Repair.
On September 25, 1925, the submarine S-51 sank after a collision with the S.S. City of Rome near Block Island in 132 feet of water. Since the Navy had not had the funds to maintain their deep diving training program and associated submarine rescue proficiency, the salvage of this vessel took many months. (There simply were not enough divers qualified to dive below 90 feet. Bad weather and extreme cold also hampered the salvage effort.) Despite the disaster and modest public inquiry, funding was still denied. However, the public began to slowly build interest in improving the Navy’s ability to function at deeper depths.
In 1927 another sub, the S-4 sank in 102 feet of water with loss of all forty men. One sad aspect of this disaster is that six men survived the sinking and their taps on the hull could be heard by divers working to raise the vessel. For a short time, two-way communication via rapping on the hull existed until, eventually, the taps from inside the hull ceased. The salvage operation lasted for over three months. An indignant public began to demand an improved Navy capability. As a result, the Navy established an Experimental Diving School in Washington, D.C. The two primary missions were to develop diving techniques to limit the effects of nitrogen narcosis and to develop rapid, effective methods for the rescue of crew trapped inside sunken submarines.
One significant early achievement of this Navy research unit was the development of the McCann rescue bell. This was a diving bell or chamber that could be lowered on cable to mate with the escape hatch on a submarine. Once attached, the water in the chamber between the bell and the submarine could be blown away by the use of compressed air. This then allowed trapped submariners to open their hatch and move into the rescue bell. The bell hatch could be closed and the chamber pulled back to the surface by winch. This bell would prove itself as this rescue device saved many trapped submariners.
In the late 1930’s, an intern at Milwaukee County General Hospital, Edgar End, investigated the use of helium and oxygen as a breathing gas mix. His friend, Max Gene Nohl, an MIT graduate student, had developed with the assistance of John Craig (later of “Danger Is My Business” television fame), a new type of diving helmet. This helmet was part of a self-contained helium-oxygen system with on-board scrubbing of carbon dioxide that had been developed with the goal of photographing the Lusitania in 312 feet of water. During their pre-expedition trials, they were able to work at 312 feet for up to two hours with only three brief stops on their thirty minutes ascent to the surface. When the expedition to photograph the Lusitania was abandoned, it was decided to attempt a world depth record. On a cold December day in 1937 the self-contained heliox helmet was tested in near-by Lake Michigan. Max Nohl set the world’s depth record at 420 feet. The dive was conducted using a suit that was definitely not conventional. The diver wore a fashionable rubber coverall with Eskimo-like mukluks boots and a helmet that was described as looking like a lighthouse top with windows on all sides. The diver wore two self-contained tanks of breathing gas.
About the same time, the US Navy research program began gathering significant momentum under the guidance of Behneke and Yarbrough. They successfully completed a simulated chamber dive to 500 feet using heliox. It is interesting to note that during the Navy tank dive, the diver did not know his depth. When asked about his depth, the diver replied, “It feels like a hundred feet.” During his decompression, the diver was told his actual maximum depth.
This success prompted the Navy to increase investigative efforts in the use of helium in diving gas mixes. By 1939 experimental research was a reality when the submarine, U.S.S. Squalus, sank off the Isles of Shoals in 243 feet of cold North Atlantic water. Since the submarine had been quickly located, there was a frantic effort to rescue the men trapped on board. A downhaul cable (for the McCann Rescue Bell) had parted and a diver on compressed air had been unable, due to the crippling effects of nitrogen narcosis, to repair the cable. It was decided to try the new helium-oxygen mixture. A diver on heliox was successful. The McCann rescue bell made four trips in twelve hours to the sunken submarine and 33 men were successfully rescued. The submarine was then salvaged. The US Navy conducted over 100 dives without injury in the rescue/salvage effort. The U.S.S. Squalus, renamed the Sailfish, served in World War II. The rescue of thirty-three men and the successful salvage of the Squalus demonstrated to the US Navy and the American public that heliox was a viable protocol for deep diving operations. The successful rescue of these trapped men and the subsequent salvage of the sunken vessel are considered to be two of the most significant accomplishments in the history of marine life saving and salvage operations. The completion of the Squalus salvage and the appearance of war clouds on the horizon prompted Congress to increase the funding for US Navy deep diving training and research. Incidentally, Congress, fearing both the ingenuity of German research under the political control of Adolph Hitler and the use of helium in lighter-than-air dirigibles, prohibited the export of helium. For the next twenty years the US Navy, with the world’s sole supply of helium, was the primary user/investigator of heliox as a breathing gas mix.
Jack Browne, devised a triangular lightweight mask and tested his system in 1946. Diving in a pressurized tank, with decompression guidance from End and Behnke, he did a simulated dive of 550 feet.
Following the Second World War, the British, using helium that had been obtained with the approval of the US Secretary of Interior, Secretary of Defense and the US President, began experimenting with heliox mixtures. In some of their first dives, the divers developed extreme claustrophobia during diving and in screaming fits demanded to be hauled out of the water. Although the physiologists were convinced that the oxygen concentrations were too high and thus the source of the problems, the divers blamed the helium. It was referred to as “Yankee gas” or “Stuka juice.” (The Stuka was a German dive-bomber used during WW II.)
The British diving experiments were conducted from the vessel Reclaim. This vessel anchored near a vertical wall in Loch Fyne that bottomed out at 540 feet. Since the Olympics were being held in London, Captain Shelford devised a “diver’s depth thermometer” and sent divers on eighteen dives, each deeper than the previous. The depth’s reached were recorded on the “thermometer.” A Diver’s torch was created and each new depth reached was rewarded with the diver receiving the “Olympic torch.” The diver would accept the torch and run a victory lap around the vessel while wearing diving boots. Using nearly all of the remaining British supply of helium, Diver First Class Wilfred Bollard took 7 1/2 minutes to descend to a new world record depth of 540 feet. After 5 minutes on the bottom the diver took 8 hours and twenty-six minutes to ascend (descent time was increased because of a three hour treatment for the bends; the diver suffered elbow pain when transferring from the Davis submersible decompression chamber (which he had entered at 190 feet) to the main decompression chamber at 30 feet.) After leaving the decompression chamber he received the “torch” from the “hand” of a Neufeldt and Kuhnke armored diving suit. Since this state-of-the-art suit was rated to 500 feet, Bollard scratched “OUT OF DATE” on the suit and then did his victory lap!
In 1968 Heliox entered the world of “amateur” cave diving. A group of BSAC divers primarily from Rhodesia and South Africa, spent more than year assembling gear, support equipment and personnel to dive the Silent Pool in Sinoia, Rhodesia. Divers Roly Nyman, lan Robertson, John van der Walt and Danny van der Walt dove to 340 fff on Tri-Mix (Nitrogen 41.6%: Helium 40 %: 18.4% Oxygen) while exploring the muddy bottom of this famous sink-hole.
In 1970, ex-Navy diver Tom Mount brought heliox into American scientific diving at the University of Miami Rosenteil School of Marine Science. About the same time, Hal Watts, in Florida, experimented with heliox for deep cave operations.
Dale Sweet, in 1980, used heliox to reach 360 feet in the cave Die Polder #2. Although six months later, Sheck Exeley made the same dive on compressed air, the cave diving community was beginning to notice the existence of mixed gases for deep explorations. It would take three years, but in 1981, a German cave diver, Jochen Hasenmayer, descended into the French Vaucluse to reach a depth of 476 feet using heliox. This was a new world record for a surface-to-surface scuba dive. In 1983, Jochen made another heliox dive. This dive was to 685 feet and another world record.
How can the problem of Arthritis contained – what are the food habits that need to be followed/inculcated?-
Arthritis Diet Claims: Fact or Fiction
Arthritis pain and the desire for pain relief might lead you to try anything — including a change in diet or taking supplements. Make sure you know what works first.WebMD FeatureReviewed by Cynthia Dennison Haines, MDBy presidential proclamation, we’re living in the National Bone and Joint Decade, 2002-2011, and that means we should be seeing a surge in research into causes and treatments of arthritis and other diseases.
Meanwhile, many people with osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) seek relief by buying the latest book or nutritional supplement claiming to relieve or cure arthritis, or they take advice from a neighbor who swore that eating gin-soaked raisins eased her symptoms.
How do you navigate this gray area of unregulated therapies to know if what you’re doing can help or harm? WebMD talked with two experts who provided insight into the claims made for arthritis diets and supplements. Hayes Wilson, MD, is a rheumatologist in Atlanta and medical adviser for the Arthritis Foundation. Christine Gerbstadt, RD, MD, practices in Pittsburgh and is a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
Here’s a guide to help you sort fact from fiction:
Eliminate nightshades. One of the most common diet claims is that eliminating nightshades, which include potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and most peppers, relieves arthritis. This diet probably isn’t harmful, but there are no studies to support it.
Alkaline diet. The alkaline diet presumes both OA and RA are caused by too much acid. Among the foods it excludes are sugar, coffee, red meat, most grains, nuts, and citrus fruits. It’s meant to be followed for just one month. It may be that people feel better because they lose weight, reducing stress on joints, which eases pain. There are no studies to support it.
Dong diet. This restrictive diet relies heavily on vegetables, except tomatoes, and eliminates many of the same foods as the alkaline diet. There’s no evidence it affects arthritis.
Vegetarian diet. Some people report improvement in symptoms, but evidence is mixed. One small study of people with RA showed improvement in four weeks, and follow-up studies of those who stayed on the diet showed continued improvement after one and two years.
Switching fats. One of the known correlations between food and arthritis is that omega-6 fatty acids increase inflammation, and omega-3 fatty acids reduce it. Limit intake of meat and poultry, and increase your intake of cold-water fish, such as sardines, mackerel, trout, and salmon. For salad dressings and cooking, substitute olive, canola, and flaxseed oils for corn, safflower, and sunflower oils.
Gin-soaked raisins. Lots of people claim it works, but experts say there’s no evidence. Grapes and raisins do contain anti-inflammatory compounds, but not in amounts that would be therapeutic. The gin might dull pain, but drinking to excess sabotages health benefits of nutrients and vitamins, and introduces a whole new set of problems.
Green tea. Drinking three to four cups of green tea a day could help people with RA. Studies funded by the Arthritis Foundation showed that giving the polyphenolic compounds in green tea to mice significantly decreased the incidence and severity of RA. Human studies have not yet confirmed the results.
Nutritional SupplementsASU (avocado-soybean unsaponifiable). French studies of ASU, derived from avocado and soybean oils, show it can relieve OA pain, stimulate cartilage repair, and lower a patient’s need for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to control pain. Jason Theodosakis, MD, author of The Arthritis Cure and champion of glucosamine chondroitin, believes ASU will have a major impact on treatment of OA. Sold in France by prescription under the name Piascledine 300, it’s available in the U.S. without a prescription.
Black currant oil. See GLA.
Borage oil. See GLA.
Boron. Population studies show that people who have high-boron diets have a very low incidence of arthritis, and there’s evidence that people with OA and RA can benefit. The best sources of boron are fresh fruits and vegetables and, depending on where you live, drinking water.
Bovine cartilage. Taken from the windpipe and trachea of cows, it’s supposed to act as an anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of OA and RA. A few animal and laboratory studies are promising, but there are no human studies to support claims. Researchers also think it may promote regrowth of cartilage.
Bromelain. This substance found in pineapple is supposed to relieve pain and swelling in OA and RA and improve mobility. There are no studies that show it’s effective by itself, but one study of a bromelain supplement containing the enzymes rutin and trypsin relieved pain and improved function in 73 people with knee OA. The effect was similar to taking an NSAID.
CMO. It’
Cryonics..Are there public statements by eminent scientists who recognize that cryonics has scientific merit?-
Scientists’ Open Letter on CryonicsTo whom it may concern,
Cryonics is a legitimate science-based endeavor that seeks to preserve human beings, especially the human brain, by the best technology available. Future technologies for resuscitation can be envisioned that involve molecular repair by nanomedicine, highly advanced computation, detailed control of cell growth, and tissue regeneration.
With a view toward these developments, there is a credible possibility that cryonics performed under the best conditions achievable today can preserve sufficient neurological information to permit eventual restoration of a person to full health.
The rights of people who choose cryonics are important, and should be respected.
Sincerely (61 Signatories)
Signatories encompass all disciplines relevant to cryonics, including Biology, Cryobiology, Neuroscience, Physical Science, Nanotechnology and Computing, Ethics and Theology. [Signature date in brackets]
Gregory Benford, Ph.D.
(Physics, UC San Diego) Professor of Physics; University of California; Irvine, CA [3/24/04]
Alaxander Bolonkin, Ph.D.
(Leningrad Politechnic University) Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute; Senior Research Associate NASA Dryden Flight Research Center; Lecturer, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ [3/24/04]
Nick Bostrom, Ph.D.
Research Fellow; University of Oxford; Oxford, United Kingdom [3/25/04]
Kevin Q. Brown, Ph.D.
(Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon) Member of Technical Staff; Lucent Bell Laboratories (retired); Stanhope, NJ [3/23/04]
Professor Manfred Clynes, Ph.D.
Lombardi Cancer Center; Department of Oncology and Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Georgetown University; Washington, DC [3/28/04]
L. Stephen Coles, M.D., PhD
(RPI, Columbia, Carnegie Mellon University) Director, Supercentenarian Research Foundation Inglewood, California [10/7/06]
Daniel Crevier, Ph.D.
(MIT) President, Ophthalmos Systems Inc., Longueuil, Qc, Canada; Professor of Electrical Engineering (ret.), McGill University & École de Technologie Supérieure, Montreal, Canada. [4/7/05]
Antonei B. Csoka, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pittsburgh Development Center, Magee-Womens Research Institute [9/14/05]
Aubrey D.N.J. de Grey, Ph.D.
Research Associate; University of Cambridge;Cambridge, United Kingdom [3/19/04]
Wesley M. Du Charme, Ph.D.
(Experimental Psychology, University of Michigan) author of Becoming Immortal, Rathdrum, Idaho [11/23/05]
João Pedro de Magalhães, Ph.D.
University of Namur; Namur, Belgium [3/22/04]
Thomas Donaldson, Ph.D.
Editor, Periastron; Founder, Institute for Neural Cryobiology; Canberra, Australia [3/22/04]
Christopher J. Dougherty, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist; Suspended Animation Inc; Boca Raton, FL [3/19/04]
K. Eric Drexler, Ph.D.
Chairman of Foresight Institute; Palo Alto, CA [3/19/04]
Robert A. Freitas Jr., J.D.
Author, Nanomedicine Vols. I & II; Research Fellow, Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, Palo Alto, CA [3/27/04]
Mark Galecki, Ph.D.
(Mathematics, Univ of Tennessee), M.S. (Computer Science, Rutgers Univ), Senior System Software Engineer, SBS Technologies [11/23/05]
D. B. Ghare, Ph.D.
Principle Research Scientist, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India [5/24/04]
Ben Goertzel, Ph.D.
(Mathematics, Temple) Chief Scientific Officer, Biomind LLC; Columbia, MD [3/19/04]
Peter Gouras, M.D.
Professor of Ophthalmology, Columbia University; New York City, NY [3/19/04]
Amara L. Graps, Ph.D.
Researcher, Astrophysics; Adjunct Professor of Astronomy; Institute of Physics of the Interplanetary Space; American University of Rome (Italy) [3/22/04]
Raphael Haftka, Ph.D.
(UC San Diego) Distinguished Prof. U. of Florida; Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Gainesville, FL [3/22/04]
David A. Hall, M.D.
Dean of Education, World Health Medical School [11/23/05]
J. Storrs Hall, Ph.D.
Research Fellow, Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, Los Altos, CA
Fellow, Molecular Engineering Research Institute, Laporte, PA [3/26/04]
Robin Hanson, Ph.D.
(Social Science, Caltech) Assistant Professor (of Economics); George Mason University; Fairfax, VA [3/19/04]
Steven B. Harris, M.D.
President and Director of Research; Critical Care Research, Inc; Rancho Cucamonga, CA [3/19/04]
Michael D. Hartl, Ph.D.
(Physics, Harvard & Caltech) Visitor in Theoretical Astrophysics; California Institute of Technology; Pasadena, CA [3/19/04]
Henry R. Hirsch, Ph. D.
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960) Professor Emeritus, University of Kentucky College of Medicine [11/29/05]
Tad Hogg, Ph.D.
(Physics, Caltech and Stanford) research staff, HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA [10/10/05]
James J. Hughes, Ph.D.
Public Policy Studies Trinity College; Hartford, CT [3/25/04]
James R. Hughes, M.D., Ph.D.
ER Director of Meadows Regoinal Medical Center; Director of Medical Research & Development, Hilton Head Longevity Center, Savanah, GA [4/05/04]
Ravin Jain, M.D.
(Medicine, Baylor) Assistant Clinical Professor of Neurology, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA [3/31/04]
Subhash C. Kak, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA [3/24/04]
Professor Bart Kosko, Ph.D.
Electrical Engineering Department; University of Southern California [3/19/04]
James B. Lewis, Ph.D.
(Chemistry, Harvard) Senior Research Investigator (retired); Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research Institute; Seattle, WA [3/19/04]
Marc S. Lewis, Ph.D.
Ph.D. from the University of Cincinnati in Clinical Psychology. Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin of Clinical Psychology. [6/12/05]
Brad F. Mellon, STM, Ph.D.
Chair of the Ethics Committee; Frederick Mennonite Community; Frederick, PA [3/25/04]
Ralph C. Merkle, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Computing; Georgia Tech College of Computing; Director, GTISC (GA Tech Information Security Center); VP, Technology Assessment, Foresight Institute [3/19/04]
Marvin Minsky, Ph.D.
(Mathematics, Harvard & Princeton) MIT Media Lab and MIT AI Lab; Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences; Professor of E.E. and C.S., M.I.T [3/19/04]
John Warwick Montgomery, Ph.D.
(Chicago) D.Théol. (Strasbourg), LL.D. (Cardiff) Professor Emeritus of Law and Humanities, University of Luton, England [3/28/04]
Max More, Ph.D.
Chairman, Extropy Institute, Austin, TX [3/31/04]
Steve Omohundro, Ph.D.
(Physics, University of California at Berkeley) Computer science professor at the University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana [6/08/04]
Mike O’Neal, Ph.D.
(Computer Science) Assoc. Professor and Computer Science Program Chair; Louisiana Tech Univ.; Ruston, LA [3/19/04]
Yuri Pichugin, Ph.D.
Former Senior Researcher, Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine; Kharkov, Ukraine [3/19/04]
Peter H. Proctor, M.D., Ph.D.
Independent Physician & Pharmacologist; Houston, Texas [5/02/04]
Martine Rothblatt, Ph.D., J.D., M.B.A.
Responsible for launching several satellite communications companies including Sirius and WorldSpace. Founder and CEO of United Therapeutics. [5/02/04]
Klaus H. Sames, M.D.
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Center of Experimental Medicine (CEM) Institute of Anatomy II: Experimental Morphology; Hamburg, Germany [3/25/04]
Anders Sandberg, Ph.D.
(Computational Neuroscience) Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm University; Stockholm, Sweden [3/19/04]
Sergey V. Sheleg, M.D., Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist, Alcor Life Extension Founcation; Scottsdale, AZ [8/11/05]
Stanley Shostak, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences; University of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh, PA [3/19/04]
Rafal Smigrodzki, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief Clinical Officer, Gencia Company; Charlottesville VA [3/19/04]
David S. Stodolsky, Ph.D.
(Univ. of Cal., Irvine) Senior Scientist, Institute for Social Informatics [11/24/05]
Gregory Stock, Ph.D.
Director, Program on Medicine, Technology, and Society UCLA School of Public Health; Los Angeles, CA [3/24/04]
Charles Tandy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Humanities and Director Center for Interdisciplinary Philosophic Studies Fooyin University (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) [5/25/05]
Peter Toma, Ph.D.
President, Cosmolingua, Inc. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Inventor and Founder of SYSTRAN. Director of International Relations, Alcor Life Extension Foundation. Residences in Argentina, Germany, New Zealand, Switzerland and USA [5/24/05]
Mark A. Voelker, Ph.D.
(Optical Sciences, U. Arizona) Director of Bioengineering; BioTime, Inc.; Berkeley, CA [3/19/04]
Roy L. Walford, M.D.
Professor of Pathology, emeritus; UCLA School of Medicine; Los Angeles, CA [3/19/04]
Mark Walker, Ph.D.
Research Associate, Philosophy; Trinity College; University of Toronto (Canada) [3/19/04]
Michael D. West, Ph.D.
President, Chairman & Chief Executive Office; Advanced Cell Technology, Inc.; Worcester, MA [3/19/04]
Ronald F. White, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy; College of Mount St. Joseph; Cincinnati, OH [3/19/04]
James Wilsdon, Ph.D.
(Oxford University) Head of Strategy for Demos, an independent think-tank; London, England [5/04/04]
Brian Wowk, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist 21st Century Medicine, Inc.; Rancho Cucamonga, CA [3/19/04]