Slab Foundation Repair Cost Nc

Will homeowner’s insurance policy cover a slab leak? The short answer is maybe. If they do cover it, there will be some qualifications, and only a claims adjuster for your company can tell you for sure. Your leak will need to be inside the walls of your foundation. You don’t have yard insurance, you have home insurance so a leak on your service line outside of the foundation will not be covered. Sorry. On the bright side, if that is your leak problem, it is likely the least expensive kind of hidden underground leak to repair. If the leak is on the pressure side of your plumbing and the water under the house comes up through the slab and causes damage to your home or belongings, some portion of the work is very likely to be covered, as should the cost of repairing or replacing the damage to your belongings in your home.

If you do not have damage to the above slab portions of your home, and the leak is inside the walls of the foundation, you may still be in luck. When you call your agent or adjuster, they may say that they will pay to find the leak, but not to repair the leak. Have no fear! This means that the company will likely pay for the leak detection, pay to remove the slab, and whatever fill stands in the way of repairing the pipe. The company will likely not pay for the actual cutting of the pipe, the pipe and fittings to repair the leak, and the labor to repair the pipe. Then they are likely to cover the cost of fixing your home back to the original shape it was in before the work was started. They are also likely to pay for water damage restoration and cleaning related to the leak.

Only a claims adjuster can tell you for sure, and a couple of the largest homeowner’s insurance companies in America are not likely to cover any of this at all. Many smaller companies will cover the overwhelming majority of the cost to get your life back on track.

slab foundation repair cost nc