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The American Lighting Association (ALA) was formed in 1949 to unite various members of the lighting industry. It is based at the World Trade Center in Dallas, Texas. The ALAs primary purpose is to represent its members in governmental affairs while expanding the lighting industry. The ALA also helps consumers in various ways. Benefits to consumers:Consumers may find the ALA web site helpful because it provides lots of useful information. For instance, the site allows an individual to search for retail showrooms or lighting designers by state and zip code. The consumers can be assured that they are being referred to knowledgeable sales representatives because all ALA members are certified experts.Whether remodeling an older home, or designing a new one, consumers need information on what lighting is available. Many people are looking for ways to cut down on their energy consumption. Others are simply looking for ways to use lighting and ceiling fans to accent their homes dcor. The American Lighting Association provides numerous articles and tips, as well as other publications that help the consumer to become well-informed. Moreover, consumers can consult with ALA certified lighting consultants directly when they have any questions.Another benefit offered to consumers is the career center link on the ALA web site. This link allows anyone seeking employment in the lighting industry to connect with employers through various methods. The individual can create a profile which employers will review. Or the person can choose to use the job agent option, which sends email notices of any job posted that matches the individuals skills.In a more indirect way, the American Lighting Association helps consumers by advocating fair and practical energy conservation laws. The ALA works with various government and environmental agencies to conduct research on residential lighting applications and advocates what best suits the needs of everyone involved with energy consumption. For instance, The ALA partners with Energy Star to help consumers find alternative lighting solutions for their home interiors and landscaping needs. Another example would be how the ALA has proposed alternatives to banning incandescent lights completely, as it has been proposed by the federal government. Lower wattage incandescent lights are used in many residential applications, such as in chandelier lights and security lights. There are no alternative solutions available for these applications yet. The ALA proposed that the ban should be designed to limit lumen per wattage rather than any specific type of light.Benefits to ALA members:In addition to all the benefits that the ALA provides to consumers, the ALA provides many benefits to its members. Among these benefits are various training and certification programs. These educational programs include:Certified Lighting Consultant Program – members earn advanced lighting designations, such as LA (Lighting Associate), LS (Lighting Specialist), CLMR (Certified Lighting Manufacturer Representative), & CLC (Certified Lighting Consultant)Residential Lighting Training (Self Study) Course – individual studies newly revised Lighting Training Manual to build professional technical and sales skillsRegional seminars in over 25 cities across the U.S. and Canada – no regional seminars coming up, but 5 Dallas Market seminars are scheduled between Jan. 14-16th in Dallas, TX at ALA facility in World Trade Center. Upcoming Webinar on Jan. 21, 2010Personalized Training Programs (hosting opportunities) – contact ALA for more detailsLighting Educational DVDs – training videos to help companies keep their employees up to date on lighting knowledge, for example: Principles and Elements of Residential Lighting Parts I and IIOnline Training – a total of 17 courses; all of the courses provide technical training in specific areas- there are two practice exams and one final exam for each course- ALA members will earn LS designation upon successful completion of the first 12 Lighting Associate.Another membership benefit is the ALAs bi-national advertising and public relations program. This program promotes the lighting showrooms through full-color ads placed in various well-known magazines. Simultaneously, the public relations component provides approximately 4,500 home editors with industry related stories. By participating in the program, a company gains qualified sales leads, extra media coverage and a much wider exposure to potential customers.In addition, the ALA offers a variety of third party discounts to its members. Among other discounts, members can get discounts for services and products such as office supplies, car rentals and airfares. Additionally, members may take advantage of the aforementioned ALA web site career center.More Advantages to being an ALA member:One of the primary benefits that the American Lighting Association offers members is its legislative advocacy of the industrys specific issues. The ALA is a trade association with a membership consisting of lighting, dimming controls and ceiling fan manufacturers, retail showrooms, sales representatives and professional residential lighting designers. The ALA unites the lighting & component manufacturers, showrooms/distributors, manufacturer representatives, & industry related companies dedicated to providing quality residential illumination and then represents them while working with congressmen, senators, and various government agencies, such as the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency.The ALA also provides numerous ways for its members to stay abreast of current industrial issues and technology. Members can access the ALA web site to read articles and publications pertaining directly to the lighting and ceiling fan industry. The members can network with each other directly, through the ALAs member directory. They can also update their knowledge and networking by attending the annual conferences the ALA hosts.ALAs 2010 Agenda:Although the American Lighting Association is an old, well-established trade association it constantly looks towards the future. The ALAs 2010 agenda reflects this through the goals set by its Board of Governors and executive staff members. Some of the new goals ALA hopes to achieve in 2010 are:- To increase the number of consumer leads generated for members through ALA efforts – Offer some low-cost sales training in addition to lighting knowledge courses – Provide more tools to help showrooms develop their online marketing and sales abilities- Expand the third party discount preferred buying programs- Increase the lighting technology updates to bi-monthly e-newslettersThe ALA also plans to continue offering and expanding some of the current proactive programs, such as:- Continuing to fight for lighting industry interests through strong government affairs efforts- Continuing expansion of effort to reach more consumers by doubling frequency of Bright Ideas e-newsletters and producing a fourth Lighting magazine- Increasing the number of low-cost training Webinars and expanding the Certificate Specialist program- Strengthening ALAs alliances with other organizations, such as with the National Association of the Remodeling Industry- Expanding ALAs role as an advocate for energy-efficiency measures- Improving ALAs web site for members and consumers- Strengthening the association itself through continuing membership growthThese goals reflect the ALAs commitment to improve business for it members while improving the quality of life for consumers. To learn more about the American Lighting Association, please visit the ALAs website at Consumers and lighting industrial workers alike will find the web site to be entertaining and enlightening.Visit this site for light bulb websites.