Mbr Guaranteed Foundation Repair Rating
♦ December 21, 2012 ♦ Leave Your Comment
The foundation of your home is critical to its wellbeing. A good solid foundation can ensure that the home above it stays in perfect shape throughout its lifespan. But what happens when your foundation is in trouble? Walls can gap and crack, roof lines can move and concrete slabs can buckle and break. These problems are more than just eyesores; they can permanently ruin your home and make it unsafe to live in. In most cases, foundation troubles can go unnoticed until it's too late. But how do you know you might have a foundation problem before it's too late to make the repairs? Use these six tips for finding a foundation problem and you'll be sure to solve less serious troubles before they have a chance to become a foundation repair nightmare.
Cracks in the Slab
Concrete porches, pool slabs and even your backyard patio are all great places to hang out and enjoy the sunshine. But they can also be great places to find foundation problems. While concrete is guaranteed to get hard, turn grey and crack, it shouldn't crack excessively. Small cracks are one thing. When large gaps, cracks or depressions are visible in your concrete slab, you'll need to call in the professionals to take a look at your slabs foundation.
Masonry Gaps
Many homes are built on top of a concrete block wall called a stem wall. This block wall rests upon your foundation and is an easy way to spot foundation problems. If you notice any gapping between the mortar joints of your masonry blocks, you should call a foundation repair specialist right away.
Underground Water Leaks
An underground water leak can be tough to locate. In fact, many underground leaks can go unnoticed for years without any repairs. After years of neglect, a broken water pipe can erode underground soil strength and ensure that your homes foundation begins to sag. If you have an unusually high water bill or it's slowly beginning to rise each month, call a licensed and insured underground leak detection specialist to find and repair your underground water leaks before more serious foundation troubles have a chance to happen.
Hard to Open Doors
Doors and windows that have become difficult to open can be more than just a hardware problem. If multiple exterior or interior doors are rubbing on the frame, your home may be settling due to foundation troubles.
Siding Rise/Fall
When siding on your home is straight as an arrow, it looks as good as the day it was installed. Look down the length of your siding panels. If multiple siding runs rise or dip excessively, you could have more serious foundation troubles. Gaps between siding panels are also a good indicator that your home is experiencing foundation problems.
Baseboard Gaps
Hardwood floors, linoleum and tile use a baseboard to cover the gap between the wall and the flooring materials. Most of the time, these materials are designed to rest tight against the floor. If you notice large gaps between the floor and the bottom of the baseboard, you may be experiencing foundation problems.